• Papers
  1. From English to More Languages: Parameter-Efficient Model Reprogramming for Cross-Lingual Speech Recognition (with Google Research)

  2. A Quantum Kernel Learning Approach to Acoustic Modeling for Spoken Command Recognition (with Georgia Tech and Google)

  3. Low-Resource Music Genre Classification with Cross-Modal Neural Model Reprogramming (with Georiga Tech)

  4. Certified Robustness of Quantum Classifiers against Adversarial Examples through Quantum Noise (with NYCU and IBM Research AI)

  • ICASSP Tutorial

Thank the speech and signals processing community again to recognize our works again.

I will give one tutorial at ICASSP 23

  • Tutorial: Parameter-Efficient Learning for Speech and Language Processing: Adapters, Prompts, and Reprogramming

with Dr. Pin-Yu Chen (IBM Research AI) and Prof. Hung-Yi Lee (National Taiwan University)